Número: 46 - desembre 2017
Número: 46 - desembre 2017
Monday 24 July
12:30 – 12:30h – ESMUC (aula A348) - Composers
Compositions by Xavier Pagès-Corella
12:30 – ESMUC (aula A347) - Institutional
ECA – European Choral Association – Sonja Greiner (Germany)
Upgrade-Connect-Reach out: The European Choral Association - Europa Cantat and theEC Festival in Tallinn 2018
12:30h – UPF - CAMPUS CIUTADELLA (Sala 13.007) - Composers
Compositions by Josep Vila i Casañas
12:30h – UPF – CAMPUS CIUTADELLA (Sala 40.S02) – Choral Activities
Participation in International Festivals
An introduction to Fiestalonia Milenio
A lot of experience - more than 10 years + seriousness as an organizer + full support from the authorities.
Fiestalonia has many different festivals and is a specialist in choirs.
We offer for the participation Spain, Italy and Georgia.
Fantastic and unique spaces for performances.
Intensity of programs and cultural exchange (many participating countries).
In each program an outstanding specialist of the choral world collaborates with us as jury and master class instructor.
Learning in workshops and masters classes in the hands of leading specialists in the choral world.
Enriching experience of participation in the preparation of the collective works: all the choirs are united in a common song.
Emotional component of participation.
Fiestalonia Milenio is a leading company in the organization of international festivals and competitions for amateur or professional groups and solo performers. The cultural events that we organize are aimed at stimulating the creative capacity of their participants: children, young people or adults from all over the world. The purpose of Fiestalonia Milenio is to familiarize the European audience with other cultures through art and to act as a springboard for new talent.
14:30h – ESMUC (aula A347)- Publishers
HELBLING VERLAG (Austria) – Jan Schumacher (Germany)
ROMANTIK a cappella (vol.1) – Secular part songs
European Choral Music of the 19th Century for mixed voices, Edited by Michael Aschauer and Jan Schumacher.
In this presentation Jan Schumacher (Chair of Music Commission and 2nd Vice-President of ECA-EC) will give a small insight into the big variety of the first volume of ROMANTIK a cappella published by Helblings (Innsbruck, Austria) and the European Choral Association (ECA-EC). This new book offers a rich and extensive repertoire to both dedicated amateur choirs and chamber and concert choirs who regularly perform music from the Romantic period in their concerts. Leaving all false modesty aside, this extensive compilation of choral music of the so-called “long nineteenth century” from 1789 to 1914 can be branded a new international standard work for this genre.
14:30h – ESMUC (aula A348) - Institutional
Presentation EAE
14:30h – UPF - CAMPUS CIUTADELLA (Auditori) - Institutional
Experiencing the music of Carlos Guastavino through Dalcroze Eurhythmics
14:30h – UPF – CAMPUS CIUTADELLA (Sala 13.007) – Choral Heritage
20th Century Brazilian Choral Music – An introduction to the sacred and secular works by the composer Reginaldo Carvalho
The main objective of this communication is to discuss Twentieth-Century Brazilian choral literature. Initially, the approach will be made in a macro perspective and then focused in the period between 1950 and 2000. This temporal cut-off is based on the most productive period of the composer Reginaldo Carvalho (Guarabira-PB, 1932 - João Pessoa-PB, 2013), which has been the object of our research. Reginaldo Carvalho, who studied with Heitor Villa-Lobos, Olivier Messiaen and Paul Le Flem, was a prolific composer, having written for different vocal and instrumental ensembles. In the field of choral music, his production is broad, including sacred and secular works, in which he uses material from his native land, such as melodies and dance rhythms, as well as the compositional procedures common to his time. In addition to discussing biographical and structural aspects, in our presentation we will sing small works and examples extracted from his pieces and show videos with choirs singing his compositions.
14:30h – UPF – CAMPUS CIUTADELLA (Sala 40.S02) - Composers
Your commission, should you choose to accept it: The ins and outs of commissioning choral music
I would talk about commissioning in general and some of my commissioned works in particular."Commissioning is a great way to get new, wonderful music; but it also involves challenges and risks, although many of these are manageable if you know what you are doing. Not many choirs are familiar with how one should go about commissioning a new work. This talk includes a checklist for choirs that might be interested in commissioning but have little or no experience in it. And perhaps a few pointers for composers, too."
15:45h ESMUC (aula A347) - Publishers
A look at the music publications of the GEMC
GEMC is the association of Sheet Music Publishers in Catalonia, comprising virtually all the companies in the sector.
Founded in 1498, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat is the oldest of them. Editorial Boileau was founded in 1913, and Clivis Publications was active between 1946 and 2016. La Mà de Guido was founded in 1984, DinsicPublications Musicals in 1988, Brotons& Mercadal in 2001, and Ficta in 2016.
These publishers catalogues contain the most choral works Catalan composers.It is a wide catalogue, true to the production of our composers, with works for a wide range of choral ensembles (mixed choirs, children’s, men’s, women’s, white voices’, etc.), featuring a capella works, and pieces with the accompaniment of piano, organ, small instrumental ensembles, or bigger ensembles, such as the cobla, brass band, string orchestra, and symphonic orchestra. GEMC is a professional non-profit organisation, counting with the presence of virtually all sheet music publishers in Catalonia. GEMC members essentially offer music by Catalan composers, to make their works known and to make them available to musicians, choirs, orchestras and music stakeholders, such as distributors, agents, and publishers worldwide. Of the many kinds of music publishers, GEMC members publish both hard-copy and digital sheet music of not only classical music, but also contemporary music, traditional Catalan music such as sardanes, books about music in general, and educational materials. GEMC aims to assist and coordinate the work of its members in Catalonia, promoting the sector and defending its interests in terms of technical, labour, tax, organisational, and commercial issues. Also, GEMC aims to promote its members internationally.
President Francesca Galofré holds a superior level degree in early music, and has done post-graduate studies in the creation of didactic materials for virtual learning platforms, and also in the techniques of long-distance studying and learning. She is author of more than 50 music educational publications which are in wide use throughout Catalonia and the rest of Spain. Founder and director of DINSIC Publications, S.L. she is also president of the Catalonian Music Publishers Guild (Gremid’Editorials de Música de Catalunya). She is also an ICT enthusiast and CEO of Notes in Cloud, a technology company that brings solutions to the challenges of commercialization and distribution of music content in the digital age.
15:45h ESMUC (AULA A348) - Institutional
Your Search Engine to the Entire Choral World
The Musica project (www.musicanet.org) is a powerful tool which aims to become the standard global database of choral repertoire for consultation by professionals and amateurs. While essentially an academic project, Musica is also extremely practical and perfectly meets the needs of those looking for information on the repertoire (scores, publishers, composer biographies, etc.). Everything is accessible in English, Spanish, French and German.In a short guided tour, we will first demonstrate Musica’s full user-friendly capacities: scores described in detail, a precise search tool for devising concert programs on a given theme, and multimedia links to text, translations, pronunciation sound files, video, etc. We will then present new online services which offer full interactivity: composers, publishers, conductors and musicologists can now cooperatively enrich the database, and personal and library holdings can be catalogued and managed within Musica by means of private fields, doing away with the need for separate local datafiles.
Jean Sturm is the designer of Musica, which has been under development since 1978. In parallel with many years as a choral director, clinician with experience of conducting classes and workshops, and manager of choral events – such as the Europa Cantat IX Festival in Strasbourg in 1985 – Jean gained extensive computer programming experience through his professional activity as a scientific researcher. The Musica project is a synthesis of his various skills. In 2014 he was awarded the rank of “Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres” by the French Ministry of Culture, with special mention of the Musica project.